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Use of information

The information collected from you is used in a number of ways. We use the information to process your registration, to fulfil your service order; maintain the quality of our service, generate statistics, facilitate payment in respect of services rendered to you, personalise and improve the content of Regfyl, fulfil any other request you have made, conduct research and generally enhance our service delivery to you. The information collected is also used to prepare reports for our internal use only.


We may use information that we have to verify accounts and activity, combat harmful conduct, detect and prevent spam and other bad experiences.


We reserve the right to disclose information about you or your use of Regfyl in compliance with any legal process (i.e. any statutory demand, subpoena, warrant or court order) to protect against fraudulent, abusive, unlawful use of Regfyl and to protect our rights or property.

We shall not sell, share or offer information about you with third parties.

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